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File Remotely: Income Tax (T1)

Please read the instructions below before starting your Income Tax. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at for assistance!


  • To ensure a smooth process, be sure to have all of the documents for both yourself and any dependent in PDF format.

  • We want you to have a comfortable experience, so please take your time. The process will usually only take 10-15 minutes but it can sometimes vary depending on the individual situation.

  • If you're unable to finish the process, don't worry! You can save and resume later if necessary.

  • After the process is complete, we will show you how much it would cost to get these services. You can then schedule an appointment with one of our accountants where they'll take care of everything from start-to finish!

  • To complete this process you will require a credit card to make the payment. If you want to make the payment through another method, please follow these steps: Click Here

  • The process from file remote to reporting your taxes can take up 5 business days.

  • The information you provide below will be kept confidential.

  • We believe in transparency, so you can see our price list here before starting: Price List

Start Filling Remotely
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